I have successfully passed my A Exam and officially become a PhD candidate now!
EcoThreads is exhibited at Techtexil 2024 in Frankfurt along with international exhibitors in the entire range of high-tech textiles
My proposal Exploring Sustainable E-Textile Design Through a Community-Engaged Workshop received grant from the CCSS Qualitative and Interpretive Research Institute Small Research Grant Program.
My project titled Sustainable Smart Textiles: Advancements in Biodegradable On-Skin Biosensing has been awarded funding by the AATCC Foundation!
I presented our paper BioWeave: Weaving Thread-Based Sweat-Sensing On-Skin Interfaces at UIST 2023. It has been such a great opportunity to share our textile-based chemical sensing project with the UIST community.
I'm excited to share that my talented coauthor and lead artist, Morgan Chen, will be showcasing her 3D dynamic makeup piece, "Social Prosthesis", at this year's ISWC Design Exhibition. When you're at the exhibition, be sure to stop by and say "hi" to Morgan!
As an organizer at the Hybrid Body Lab Artist Residency, I was interviewed by Cornell University. We discussed our 2023 resident, Joe George, and his innovative 3D tattoo artwork crafted during his time with us. Stay tuned for more details and highlights on his unique contributions!